33: The Arts Have a Place in Healing Grief – Special Event
Grammy award nominated musician Melanie DeMore will lend her soulful voice to lift the pain of our losses at A Community Gathering of Song and Healing on October 9, 2023. Sarah Lee, Program Director for Voices of Grief Support and Education Center shares details about the event, and about the concept behind it. People of all ages in the Pikes Peak region are invited to join this celebration of hope and remembrance. A second event on October 10 will offer a panel of local art therapy experts joining Melanie to explore how the professional community might weave the arts into our caregiving roles to foster growth and resilience in those we serve. The event will also feature art displays highlighting work being done locally by outstanding local art therapists.
A Community Gathering of Song and HealingOctober 9, 2023 (professional panel October 10)Information and ticketswww.voicesofgriefcenter.org/events
Ent Center for the Arts5225 N. Nevada Ave.Colorado Springs
Sarah has spent more than 20 years in non-profit administration. Her professional experience includes hospice chaplaincy, event planning, fundraising and human resources. In addition to grief support training, Sarah holds a BA in psychology and an MA in Theology. Sarah has partnered with Kathy Sparnins and Voices of Grief since 2020, facilitating support groups and expanding grief support and education programs in the Pikes Peak Region through the Voices of Grief Support and Education Center.
Voices of Grief Support and Education Centerhttps://www.voicesofgriefcenter.org
Aging with Altitude is recorded in the Pikes Peak region with a focus on topics of aging interest across the country. We talk about both the everyday and novel needs and approaches to age with altitude whether you’re in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida or Leadville, Colorado. The Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging is the producer. Cynthia Margiotta with PEARLS Program of Colorado is our moderator. Learn more at Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging http://www.ppacg.org/aging/ and PEARLS Program of Colorado https://pearlsprogram.net/
If you live in the Pikes Peak region, find your new favorite local podcast at https://studio809podcasts.com